Quality in the Care for Safety

We care about the safety of medical staff and patients by providing a high-quality assortment.

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About us

We are a trusted distributor of medical equipment

We are one of the leading suppliers of medical equipment. We offer a wide range of top-quality products from renowned international manufacturers.

  • We offer a sense of comfort and security

    Our primary goal is to implement the best possible solutions that ensure the safety of patients and medical staff. More information about Becare Art, which addresses hand skin issues, can be found on the dedicated website.

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  • We are a reliable business partner

    We have been operating in the Polish medical market for over 30 years. Our extensive experience comes from monitoring global innovations. This enables us to provide doctors and nurses with exceptional, practical solutions that are used in the medical industry worldwide.

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  • We take care of our presence at events

    We always meet our clients in person to present new products. During these meetings, we conduct instructional sessions and provide theoretical and practical support. Additionally, we organize training, workshops, and participate in medical conferences.

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Promujemy i wprowadzamy w polskich szpitalach produkty na najwyższym poziomie nowoczesnych technologii, zapewniając bezpieczeństwo epidemiologiczne oraz komfort pacjenta i pracowników medycznych.


We cooperate with leading manufacturers of medical equipment.


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