Participation in 2024 Events

XII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Farmaceutów Onkologicznych

From February 29 to March 2, 2024, we participated in the XII National Congress of the Polish Association of Oncological Pharmacists, which took place in Toruń. The event was organized by the Polish Association of Oncological Pharmacists. 🩺
The conference was dedicated to pharmacists from all over Poland whose work involves the preparation of cytostatic drugs. 💉
Our booth attracted a great deal of interest – we extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants!
Sincere thanks also to the organizers!

VII Łódź Meeting of Operating Room Nurses

On March 7-8, we participated in the 7th Lodz Meeting of Operating Nurses organized by the Commission of Operating Nurses OIPiP in Lodz for Surgical Nurses.👩‍⚕️ We had the pleasure of being an exhibitor and partner of this event.🤝 The theme of the March meeting was "Medical Robotics as a Challenge for Operating Nursing." During the two-day conference, scientific sessions were held covering the event's theme. Participants also had the opportunity to visit the booths of medical product exhibitors. Our booth received positive feedback due to the variety of products we offered. Thank you for your presence!

30th edition of KRAKDENT International Dental Trade Fair

Once again, we participated in the largest dental trade fair event in Poland – the KRAKDENT International Dental Trade Fair. This was the jubilee 30th edition, which took place from April 11-13 at EXPO Kraków.🦷 The new products presented by us and Dentsply Sirona were met with great interest.🆕 We thank our regular and new clients for visiting our booth!🤝 We also thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate in the 30th Jubilee of the KRAKDENT Trade Fair.🦷

ATP Academic Job Fair in Łódź

On April 18, we participated as exhibitors in the ATP Academic Job Fair in Łódź, held at Expo-Łódź. 🎓 Once again, you could find us in the medical section. We are delighted to have had the opportunity to meet so many young people interested in a career with us. Thank you for visiting our booth in such large numbers.🤝 We also extend our gratitude to our Ambassadors for their presence. You did an outstanding job! Your assistance was invaluable, and the representation of our company was top-notch.🏆 We thank the ATP organizers for a well-conducted event and for taking care of every detail.👏

Urology Boot Camp 2024

In April, we participated in the Urology Boot Camp 2024 workshops held at Saint Luke's Hospital in Bydgoszcz. This was the third edition of the training organized by the Urology Clinic for young urology residents. We provided them with substantive and product support during the RIRS procedure.🤝 We thank the participants for their presence and engagement.👏

The 5th Wrocław Symposium of Operating Nurses

On May 10-11, we had the pleasure of participating as a Partner in the 5th Wrocław Symposium of Operating Nurses organized by the National Association of Surgical Nurses n Wrocław. The theme of the conference was "The Future of Operating Nursing: Trends and Perspectives."🩺 At our booth, we presented a diverse range of surgical products, including diagnostic gloves, surgical gloves, disposable suction tips, masks for bearded individuals, and beret-style caps. We thank the participants for visiting and showing interest in our products.🤝

23rd Scientific and Training Conference of the Silesian Branch of PTPAiIO

From May 23-25, we participated in the 23rd Scientific and Training Conference of the Silesian Branch of the Polish Society of Anesthetic and Intensive Care Nurses, organized by MED SPACE. The main theme of this year's edition was "Current Reality in Anesthetic and Intensive Care Nursing." 🩺

We had a joint booth with Stryker Sage, whose products are available in our offer. During the conference, we were able to showcase them to the attendees.

Thank you for the great interest in our booth! 🤝

III Forum Pielęgniarstwa Anestezjologicznego w Zakopanem

W dniach 5-7 czerwca odbyło się III Forum Pielęgniarstwa Anestezjologicznego w Zakopanem. Frekwencja, jak na każdej edycji tego wydarzenia, była znakomita. Nasze stoisko cieszyło się ogromnym zainteresowaniem, za co serdecznie dziękujemy wszystkim odwiedzającym. 🤝

Dodatkowo mieliśmy okazję wspólnie z firmą Stryker Sage przeprowadzić warsztaty związane z ergonomią pracy personelu medycznego, prewencji urazów oraz repozycjonowania pacjenta i zapobieganiu odleżynom. 👩‍🏫

XV Jubileuszowa Dolnośląska Konferencja Szkoleniowo-Naukowa Pielęgniarek i Położnych Onkologicznych

W czerwcu nie zwalniamy tempa. W dniach 14-15 czerwca braliśmy udział w XV Jubileuszowej Dolnośląskiej Konferencji Szkoleniowo-Naukowej Pielęgniarek i Położnych Onkologicznych. Już od wielu lat jesteśmy wystawcą na tym wydarzeniu. W tym roku konferencja odbyła się w Piechowicach. 🩺

Cieszymy się, że uczestnicy tak licznie odwiedzili nasze stoisko! 🤝