

ENT Drapes 

We offer solutions with TURBAN-type drapes, designed for adenotonsillectomy, nasal septoplasty, and microlaryngoscopy procedures.


ENT sets with adhesive fenestration or U-shaped designs, dedicated to surgical procedures:

  • maxillofacial, ear, nose, neck, and oral cavity procedures;
  • dental procedures, such as tooth extractions, dental implant placements, cyst treatments, or root resections.

The offer also includes a set with a turban-type drape.

The technical parameters of the non-wovens used in the surgical drapes meet the requirements of the harmonized standard PN EN 13795, both for standard and high-performance requirements.

To explore our full range of products, please consult with our advisor.

  • Manufacturer:

If you have any questions about our offer, remember that we are at your disposal.


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